Enquiry form Please select the current status of your company: (We will get back to you within a day.) The company is already foundet (in Switzerland) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company Name *Current Company Address *Name & Surname *Phone / Mobile *Email *From when do you need the services? *Business address *with c/o "Your company, c/o HFC Gmbh Fribourg CHE-431.747.203" (CHF / month)without c/o "Your company, Fribourg CHE-431.747.203" (CHF / month)I don't need that.Mail Processing / Forwarding *Weekly (physical) (CHF / month)Daily (physical) (CHF / month)Daily (digital) (CHF / month)Forwarding by Swiss Post (chargeable)I don't need that.Commercial register application *AG / GmbH (CHF / one time incl. notary) (Within the same locality)AG / GmbH (CHF / one time incl. notary) (if the locality changes)Sole proprietorship (CHF / one time incl. notary)I don't need that.Managing Director / Board of Directors Mandate *Mandate (CHF / month)I don't need that.Accounting *Package (CHF / month)I don't need that.Swiss phone number / phone service *CH-Number (CHF / month)I don't need that.Message (do you have any other request?)Declaration *I assure the completeness and correctness of my statements. I am aware that I am liable to prosecution for withholding and concealing information as well as for providing incorrect information. I will immediately report any changes to the information provided in this application.Submit The company is not yet foundet (in Switzerland) Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company Name *Company purpose *Name & Surname *Phone / Mobile *Email *From when do you need the services? *Business address *with c/o "Your company, c/o HFC Gmbh Fribourg CHE-431.747.203" (CHF / month)without c/o "Your company, Fribourg CHE-431.747.203" (CHF / month)I don't need that.Mail Processing / Forwarding *Weekly (physical) (CHF / month)Daily (physical) (CHF / month)Daily (digital) (CHF / month)Forwarding by Swiss Post (chargeable)I don't need that.Company formation / opening *GmbH incl. notary (CHF / one time)AG incl. notary (CHF / one time)Sole proprietorship incl. notary (CHF / one time)Branch office incl. notary (CHF / one-time)Holding incl. notary (CHF / one-time)Foundation incl. notary (CHF / one-time)I don't need that.Bank account *Opening (CHF / one time)I don't need that.Managing Director / Board of Directors Mandate *Mandate (CHF / month)I don't need that.Accounting *Package (CHF / month)I don't need that.Swiss phone number / phone service *CH-Number (CHF / month)I don't need that.Message (do you have any other request?)Declaration *I assure the completeness and correctness of my statements. I am aware that I am liable to prosecution for withholding and concealing information as well as for providing incorrect information. I will immediately report any changes to the information provided in this application.Submit